Willem Eprom Pcb50 Software Piracy

Willem Eprom Pcb50 Software Piracy Average ratng: 3,9/5 6794 votes

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Hi, I've known about the Willem Programmer for several years but never got around to buying or building one. Something I liked was the availability of circuit diagrams and (I think) the source code for the software. It appeared to be an 'open' design; I could build one from scratch, buy a PCB and assemble it or buy a complete one. It's pretty simple, mostly comprising circuitry to interface devices to a PC parallel printer port, most of the work is then done in software. The Willem Programmer can handle a lot more devices than my trusty old Stag PP41/41M100; higher-capacity 32-pin DIL and PLCC EPROMS, several PICs, a few types of serial E2PROM; it looked like it'd come in handy.

Free shipping, $34.18/piece:buy wholesale willem eprom programmer pcb50 willem. Clip PLCC32+SOIC 8 pin adapter+USB cable+Computer cable (DB25).

It can be a bit slow with larger devices, configuring it involves fiddling with switches and jumpers, but it's perfectly acceptable for 'hobbyist' or perhaps 'light commercial' use. Above all, it's cheap. I ordered one from a supplier in China for about £20 including P&P. I figured that as an 'open' design it didn't really matter where I bought it, I could get software and a diagram off the 'net and if there was a problem with it I'd just fix/modify it myself. It's not exactly complicated.

While I waited for it to arrive, I searched the 'net. • The original website has vanished. WayBack Machine has an but hasn't archived the downloads. • on the website of Luciano, PY2BBS suggested that it wasn't now as 'open' as I thought. • seem to be the primary source of them now; I noted several references to 'Our Copyright® Hardwares' on their site and couldn't find any diagrams. So it would seem that it's been 'taken over' by Sivava and now isn't the 'open' design it once was. Eventually, a squashed box arrived containing a programmer marked '2010 PCB 50', a parallel cable, a USB cable and a mini CD-R.

(I think it's a copy of one previously available from Sivava, specifically the older version; the current version being PCB50B.) The CD-R contained Windows software up to version 98D11 including versions for PCB3B, a (mostly comprehensible) manual and a circuit diagram for PCB3B. But for £20 I'm not complaining. About the only thing which bothered me was the lack of a circuit diagram given I assumed I'd find one on the 'net or at least get one with the programmer. Guess what I did about that.? About the only thing which bothered me was the lack of a circuit diagram [.] Guess what I did about that.? Yup, reverse-engineered it It's obviously an evolution of the PCB3B version; even the component reference numbers match up (though with different prefixes which I've changed again, using either the default prefixes Eagle uses or my own preferences.) I based my diagram on the PCB3B diagram and the modified diagram on, but re-arranged it and changed the names of some signals so it makes more sense (to me at least.) The main changes from PCB3B (which appear to be aimed at making it faster): • Address shift-registers split.

Instead of clocking 24 bits in 1 bit at a time, the 'low', 'middle' and 'high' bytes are clocked in together, 1 bit at a time. Two jumpers allow selection between this and the old PCB3B behaviour. • The shift register used for reading data can now be read 3 bits at a time instead of 1 bit.

I've been looking over the modifications described by Luciano, PY2BBS on. As I'm likely to want to program older devices, fitting a better inductor seems like a good idea. Also the modification to the VPP supply to the PIC socket seems sensible; better I do that before I fry a PIC rather than after! I think the diagram is now fairly accurate.

I'm not entirely sure about the 'FWH/LPC' socket and associated circuitry; I think I have a track-break on my board, but I'm not sure I'll ever need to re-program an Intel 'Firmware Hub' anyway. A warning for those of you using Windows and Willem software! You should be very very wary when using the software that is delivered on CD with these Willem programmers, myself and atleast two other people have found viruses and trojans on those CDs. Ebay had a real problem with people selling these programmers and I was contacted by them to confirm my negative feedback of one seller who shipped infected CDs as other buyers had contacted eBay about this. Also several places on the internet had the same infected software for download at the same time, so it was not just the eBay sellers who tried to spread these viruses and trojans.

The infections were all targeting bank information, according to Symantec which I use. Be sure to update your virus protection software before you install any Willem software.


I hope this piece of OT information will help someone to not get infected. Otherwise I am very happy with the Willem programmer as it did just what i wanted it to do in a perfect way, program new eproms for my LeCroy digital oscilloscope. I can't leave anything alone. The VPP supply on this thing is, frankly, rubbish.

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