Pnach Files For Pcsx2 Slow On Computer
The necessary cheats already integrated as.pnach file. Just use the same network settings as your PC, but change the last number of the IP.
Gametitle=Kingdom Hearts [SLUS 20370] (U) [0F6B6315] comment= //ZeroGS Patch - GAME_QUICKRESOLVE1 zerogs=00000400 fastmemory //[Sora Codes] -------------------------- //Infinite HP patch=1,EE,003F1C95,extended,000000FF //Infinite Mp patch=1,EE,003F1C96,extended,000000FFAnd what version of PCSX2 are you using? These codes should function perfectly fine, even using,word, Unless of course you have a wrong version of the game. (PAL instead of NTSC, etc). You're really positive it's NTSC that you have?
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Hello I want to know about possibility to play WWE SmackDown - Shut Your mouth, cause i can't find it status in Compatibility List. - It's playable at all? Well, when I start the game, I can see memory card cheking, logo, intro movie and press start screen. If don't push star, can even see ingame demo process. But as soon as push the start button, go loadin, and apprars 'abra-cadabra' screen (bug, incorret) where nofing nothing happens.
Only music still playing. Tested on many variations of emulator(scince Plyground version, to 0.9.6) and lasted plugins - Could you help me with it?