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Prasetiya Mulya was founded in 1980 by a group of prominent Indonesian business leaders. The first MBA program in Indonesia was then established in 1982 with assistance from prestigious international scholars and experts. Today it remains the leading private business education program provider in the country, upholding the original aims of the founders to offer the highest standards in business management education and training.
Being founded by members of the country's business community has ensured an effective balance of comprehensive curriculum between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Prasetiya Mulya is now benchmarking itself among the leading business schools by undergoing the AACSB accreditation process.
Prasetiya Mulya Business School has over thirty years of experience in teaching graduate business courses in preparing the next generation of Indonesia's executives and entrepreneurs. It is exclusively taught by Prasetiya Mulya's leading faculties who have extensive professional experience as well as academic accolades giving students the opportunity to learn from renowned figures in a given field. For graduates wishing to build upon their business knowledge, Prasetiya Mulya offers full time (MM Regular) and part time program (MM Business Management and Strategic Innovation) for those studying alongside full time employment. Inus rapidform xor3 win32 cracked tooth. Vision: 'To be a leading Magister Management Program that contributes to the creation of a professional, superior, ethical, Indonesian human environment and is the embodiment of good values recognized by the community.' Educating potential participants to become superior and ethical leaders to realize the distinctive performance and play an active role as an agent of change. Generating and disseminating the latest knowledge of business management that contributes to the development of business management theory and provides practical solutions faced by the companies and public in areas related to business management.
Organizing the continue dialogue with the leaders of various organizations to work together to confront the problems that increasingly hand to solve without the full involvement of business leaders. Cooperating with educational organizations and companies at home and abroad to develop knowledge and best practices in the field of business management.
Prasetiya Mulya was founded in 1980 by a group of prominent Indonesian business leaders. The first MBA program in Indonesia was then established in 1982 with assistance from prestigious international scholars and experts. Today it remains the leading private business education program provider in the country, upholding the original aims of the founders to offer the highest standards in business management education and training. Being founded by members of the country's business community has ensured an effective balance of comprehensive curriculum between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Prasetiya Mulya is now benchmarking itself among the leading business schools by undergoing the AACSB accreditation process. Prasetiya Mulya Business School has over thirty years of experience in teaching graduate business courses in preparing the next generation of Indonesia's executives and entrepreneurs. It is exclusively taught by Prasetiya Mulya's leading faculties who have extensive professional experience as well as academic accolades giving students the opportunity to learn from renowned figures in a given field.
For graduates wishing to build upon their business knowledge, Prasetiya Mulya offers full time (MM Regular) and part time program (MM Business Management and Strategic Innovation) for those studying alongside full time employment. Vision: 'To be a leading Magister Management Program that contributes to the creation of a professional, superior, ethical, Indonesian human environment and is the embodiment of good values recognized by the community.' Educating potential participants to become superior and ethical leaders to realize the distinctive performance and play an active role as an agent of change.
Generating and disseminating the latest knowledge of business management that contributes to the development of business management theory and provides practical solutions faced by the companies and public in areas related to business management. Organizing the continue dialogue with the leaders of various organizations to work together to confront the problems that increasingly hand to solve without the full involvement of business leaders. Cooperating with educational organizations and companies at home and abroad to develop knowledge and best practices in the field of business management. Info Session Info Session merupakan kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Prasetiya Mulya Business School (PMBS) yang ditujukan bagi publik yang memiliki minat melanjutkan studi S2 melalui program Magister Manajemen (MM) PMBS.