Pier Vittorio Tondelli Altri Libertini Pdf Viewer
Publication date 1980 Media type Book Pages 163 Altri Libertini is the first book by the Italian writer,. Full hd dr babasaheb ambedkar 3d wallpaper 2017. It was published in 1980 by Feltrinelli and features a collection of six stories which are loosely related to one another: Postoristoro, Mimi e istrioni, Viaggio, Senso contrario, Altri libertini, and Autobahn. The stories present the lives and exploits of young men and women caught up in the 1980s, and Tondelli, through his writings, depicts their dreams, pains, emotional outbursts, ingenuity and, at times, their irreparable mistakes. The book received considerable attention upon publication and was censored by the authorities for obscenities only twenty days after its appearance in bookstores in Italy as it was being prepared for its third edition. While the book is a series of short stories, the author preferred to describe the work as a romanzo a episodi (serial novel), in order to emphasise the thread that connected all of the stories to each other.
Pier Vittorio Tondelli Born ( 1955-09-14)September 14, 1955, Italy Died December 16, 1991 ( 1991-12-16) (aged 36), Italy Occupation Novelist Literary. Altri Libertini was published. Pier Vittorio Tondelli - Pier Vittorio Tondelli was an Italian writer who wrote a small but influential body of work. Tondelli enjoyed modest success as a writer but often encountered trouble with censors for his use of homosexual themes in his works.
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