Cccam Script Installations Plus

Cccam Script Installations Plus Average ratng: 3,9/5 4314 votes

You need to start to read, read and read some more that you end up banging your head against a wall then you go and try what you have learned. I would recommend starting with the easiest the dm500s or blade 50s for that matter just to get your head round it. Download the OScam last rev for you type of box, for the Dm500s it powerpc-tuxbox-old version. For example this is how to install it it on a E1 based box such as above using Pli Jade 3 Once you have downloaded the file you need.

In this case oscam-stable-1.10-powerpc-tuxbox-old-webif-Distribution. Now re-name that to OScam. Now FTP the cam to /var/bin now CHmod to 755 Now using telnet type the following command touch /var/etc/plimgr/cardservers/OScam This will create a blank file. The file you create must be exactly the same as the cam file that you just sent to /var/bin Now select OScam from the menu in Pli Jade.

Now you need the files ftp these files to the box, I add # for bits you need to read and **** for bits you need to edit That should get you started or put in the right direction. Code: Im after CCcam 2.2.1 which is enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel Once downloaded you need to transfer the enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk file into the /tmp folder on the box like below Then transfer your CCcam.cfg file into the /etc/ folder now go to your box and press Menu > Setup > VIX or Blue Button > Install Local Extension and you should have enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk file in there Press 'Green' button to install and once completed it will ask for a 'Gui Restart'. Press OK and wait for box to come back on Once the box is on press Menu/Setup/Softcam / CI/Softcam Manager and in there if you have done everything correctly you should see CCcam 2.2.1 Press 'Green' to start CCcam 2.2.1 and it should now be active like below Finally Press 'Blue' to enable Auto Start and you are now ready and setup with CCcam 2.2.1 Hope you guys find this tutorial helpful any questions dont hesitate to ask in here Oscam setup. Demult am vrut sa scriu despre cum se poate lucra cu oscam foarte simplu.Multi se sperie de oscam cand vad multitudinea de configurari,dar totusi oscam e gandit mai nou sa poata fi folosit fara sa tot punem exemple de configurare care poate nu se potrivesc receptorului sau cardului nostru.Incerc sa explic 'babeste' cum se poate porni un oscam cu minimul necesar si poate putin cum se pune un card,functionarea lui cu dvbapi sau cum se leaga de cccam.

Tutorialul este pentru incepatori,nu pot sa acopar toate optiunile oscam nici pe departe,dar ele sunt deja discutate pe forum sau se pot discuta. Sa incepem cu notiunile de baza.

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-Oscam poate fi folosit ca si cardserver,adica citeste carduri si da mai departe aceste carduri,prin cam orice protocol existent la aceasta ora,catre un emu care face cereri ecm si primeste CW-uri cu ajutorul carora deschide programele (ex: cccam,mgcamd,etc) -Oscam poate functiona ca si cardserver dar si ca emu in acelasi timp,adica nu mai are nevoie de un emu in spate care sa faca 'lumina'.Pentru asta trebuie sa activam dvbapi. #!/bin/sh #srvname=Oscam case '$1' in start) /var/bin/oscam & sleep 3;; stop) killall -9 oscam sleep 2;; *) $0 stop exit 1;; esac exit 0Foarte importanta e locatia binului (in cazul meu ramane /var/bin si denumirea binului care e 'oscam' asa cum am spus mai sus ca l-am redenumit.Altfel puteti vedea ca am inlocuit denumirea binului 'sbox' in 'oscam' si cam atat.Simplu. -oscam.conf il gasiti in arhiva in /doc/example dar eu l-am simplificat la maxim.Am sters tot de acolo infara setarilor de webif si am lasat. # # main configuration # # web interface [webif] httpport = 81 httpuser = root httppwd = admin httpallowed =, atasa oscam.conf ca sa fie,il puteti folosi ca sa porniti la drum cu el.Spre deosebire de bin si script,configul se poate folosi pe orice tip de receptor.Bin-ul si scriptul trebuie sa fie potrivite receptorului/imaginii voastre dar daca ati vazut cum am facut eu mai sus sigur faceti rost de ele usor. Acum putem incepe.Transferam fisierele pe receptorul,fiecare la locul lui (exemplu pentru cazul meu): -'oscam' in /var/bin (sau daca vreti /usr/bin,fiind tot una) si ii dam atribut 755 -'' in /var/script ( /usr/script ) si ii dam atribut 755 -'oscam.conf' in /var/tuxbox/config ( etc/tuxbox/config ) fara atribut.Eu nu am avut folderul config asa ca l-am creat si am pus in el configul. Putem da un restart la receptor si apoi pornim oscam din telecomanda sau telnet.In telnet putem verifica daca oscam este pornit tastand ps si enter: Daca oscam nu apare la procese trebuie sa verificam eventualele probleme.Incercati sa il porniti din telnet tastand 'oscam &' si vedeti eventualele erori raportate.

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